Now that you know all about creating a set-up phrase, it’s time to teach you the tapping points. Those are acupuncture points you’ll tap while working through a tapping round.
You have probably seen pictures of them, or maybe you even read my tapping guide that comes with signing up for my newsletter. Even so, I want to show them to you in video, because it’s always easier to mimic someone than imagining what you see on paper.
In addition, I’ll show you a nifty way to tap without calling attention to yourself, as well as a nice, meditating way to release stress.
I hope this video will also help you go through the tapping rounds I send out with my newsletter. And if you have any questions, feel free to post them in a comment below or drop me an email.
If there’s still fear around getting this tapping wrong, here are some set-up phrases that might help you get around that. Because learning how to tap and doing it for the low-level issues yourself can be a huge help.
Tapping phrases
Even though I still worry about doing that EFT tapping right and hitting the right points in the right way, I’m totally okay the way I am, and I now choose to let go of that fear and simply tap.
Even though I still worry about making mistakes with that tapping stuff and getting it wrong, I’m totally okay the way I am, and I now choose to play with it and let go of that worry.
Even though it seems so difficult to get those points and all those words right, I’m totally okay the way I am, and I now give myself permission to learn this tapping stuff and use it for myself.
Asking you:
Do you find it difficult to tap?
Can you imagine choosing that phrase with joy?
What happened while you were tapping?
And finally – are you using tapping with your writing?
Please share in a comment.
Image Source: F. Moebius
PS: My newsletter contains a full tapping round to go with my blog posts, so it’ll be easier for you to get results. Sign up through the form on the upper right hand corner, and receive an introduction to EFT as a gift, find that specific tapping round plus occasional special offers. If you’re on a mobile and can’t see the sidebar, you can sign up through this link: Newsletter Sign-up.