EFT for Authors – Permission to Write



Time and again, I run into people who dream of being an author. Who dream of writing books, telling stories or teaching in a non-fiction book.

And yet, they don’t.

When we dig deeper, there is one common theme (there are more, but let’s focus on that one today):

They are not allowed.

At some point in their lives, they picked up the belief that they, personally, do not have permission to be a writer. Or create books, let alone publish them.

For today, it doesn’t matter where they picked up that belief. Or who installed it in their mind. Or which family system rule is blocking their dream.

All that matters is the feeling – that “knowledge” that they cannot be authors.

In the video, I’m talking about how to release that belief, and how to get permission to be a writer, author and creator anyway.


I’m going to repeat it here in writing:

You have permission to be an author.

There. Listen to that. Hear it in your mind. And then go forth and write. (And let me know about it! I love hearing your stories.)

And if that’s not enough, here are some tapping phrases to get you started.

Tapping Phrases:

Even though I feel  need permission before I can become a writer or an author, I’m okay the way I am, and I now give myself permission to do what I love.

Even though I was taught somehow, that being a writer is something forbidden, at least for me, I’m totally okay the way I am, and I now choose to know that I’m old enough to make that decision myself now.

Even though I picked up that belief as a kid, that I’m not allowed to be an author, I’m totally okay the way I am, and I now choose to release that old, terrible belief.

Asking you:
Do you need permission to be a writer?
Do you remember where that came from?
What happened while you were tapping?
And finally – are you using tapping with your writing?
Please share in a comment.

Image Source: F. Moebius

PS: My newsletter contains a full tapping round to go with my blog posts, so it’ll be easier for you to get results. Sign up through the form on the upper right hand corner, and receive an introduction to EFT as a gift, find that specific tapping round plus occasional special offers. If you’re on a mobile and can’t see the sidebar, you can sign up through this link: Newsletter Sign-up.

PPS: For those of you who are curious, you can find my books here: Hannah Steenbock

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EFT for Authors – Daily Resistance



If you’re even a bit like me, there’s one obstacle you meet practically daily: that bit of resistance when you go to open your file or read what you wrote the day before and now need add new words.

And even though I lack personal experience, it might be the same when you pick up your brush or your pencil, or start mixing clay for your pottery. If not, awesome!

However, if you are familiar with that little moment of hesitation of resistance, check out my video. I’m telling you there what to look for and how to tap it away, so you can focus on your creative endeavor.


I truly believe that adding a tapping round, or something as simple as a round of “hold and breathe” to your pre-writing ritual can make things much easier in the daily run of things.

And if you want some guidance, here are some tapping phrases to get you started with an EFT round of your own.

Tapping Phrases:

Even though I feel such annoying resistance when I open my file and plan to write, I’m totally okay the way I am, and I’m now open to releasing that resistance and finding joy in my writing.

Even though it’s so frustrating to run into this resistance all the time when I just want to write, I’m totally okay the way I am, and I now give myself permission to release that resistance and enjoy my writing time.

Even though I hate feeling this resistance, my writing should be fun and easy, I’m still totally okay the way I am, and I now choose to release that resistance and everything connected to it, and have fun with my writing.

Asking you:
Are you familiar with that resistance?
Where in your body can you feel it?
What happened while you were tapping?
And finally – are you using tapping with your writing?
Please share in a comment.

Image Source: F. Moebius

PS: My newsletter contains a full tapping round to go with my blog posts, so it’ll be easier for you to get results. Sign up through the form on the upper right hand corner, and receive an introduction to EFT as a gift, find that specific tapping round plus occasional special offers. If you’re on a mobile and can’t see the sidebar, you can sign up through this link: Newsletter Sign-up.

PPS: For those of you who are curious, you can find my books here: Hannah Steenbock

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EFT for Authors – Introduction



Some of you already know that I don’t just do EFT, I also write books. Book full of adventure, with dragons, unicorns or even whales. I love creating worlds. I do so under a pen name, however.

Now, writing is definitely a passion for me, just as EFT is. And I have discovered that using EFT for my writing is a win-win combo. Which is why I present my new series:

EFT for Authors

Why is that such a good idea?

Because writing deals with emotion, quite simply. And emotion is something EFT can handle extremely well. It can help both to get out of negative emotions, as well as reducing stress and opening up for positive emotion.

And of course, being an author in today’s world of publishing brings its own challenges and heartache.

Let me explain more in the video:


And if you are still on the fence about the notion of adding EFT to your author (and businesswoman) tool-chest, I have some suggestions for you.

Tapping Phrases

Even though I don’t believe EFT will help me with all this author stuff, I’m totally okay the way I am, and I’m open to giving it a try.

Even though I can’t quite believe that a little bit of tapping could help me with my writing troubles, I’m still totally okay the way I am, and I now give myself permission to experiment with it.

Even though EFT is just some silly tapping and I can’t quite believe it can make a difference, I’m still okay the way I am, and I now choose to give it a try…

Asking you:
How are you doing with your writing?
Have you used EFT to make it easier already?
What happened while you were tapping?
And finally – are you using tapping with your writing?
Please share in a comment.

Image Source: F. Moebius

PS: My newsletter contains a full tapping round to go with my blog posts, so it’ll be easier for you to get results. Sign up through the form on the upper right hand corner, and receive an introduction to EFT as a gift, find that specific tapping round plus occasional special offers. If you’re on a mobile and can’t see the sidebar, you can sign up through this link: Newsletter Sign-up.

PPS: For those of you who are curious, you can find my books here: Hannah Steenbock

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Permission for EFT to Work



If you’ve watched all those videos from the last few weeks, I really hope you’re trying out EFT tapping and throwing it at any little trouble life is giving you.

Chances are, however, that it’s not working all the time.

That’s actually normal.

Fortunately, I can reassure you that there are any number of tricks you can use to make EFT work, even then.

One of my favorite ones involves giving yourself permission for EFT to make a difference.

Permission for EFT to work

That’s right. It sounds illogical, but it’s not really. Because even if you want to change something, some parts of you are not yet willing to. With that permission, you make it easier for yourself, and you open a door for EFT to be the effective tool that it can be.

More about that in the video:


Of course, this is not the only trick and there are often several layers of resistance when working with EFT.

One way of working around them is to start small and tap on little issues that can be resolved with few consequences. This way, you get used to tapping on issues, your mind and body get used to having results, and then you can start applying it to bigger issues.

(This is not how I work with clients, btw. I tend to tackled the big things with my clients, and leave the little stuff for them – my sessions are too valuable to waste on little stuff.)

And of course, you can do some tapping rounds on allowing EFT to work, as well.

Tapping phrases

Even though I feel that this bit of tapping can’t really shift my problem, I’m totally okay the way I am, and I now give myself permission for it to work anyway.

Even though a part of me thinks that EFT is just mumbo-jumbo, how can it help my problems with just some simple tapping, I’m still totally okay the way I am, and I now give myself permission to let EFT work anyway.

Even though this tapping seems to be so simple and too banal to actually work, I’m still okay the way I am, and I now give myself permission to let it work and help me anyway.

Asking you:
Do you still find it difficult to tap?
How does it feel to give yourself permission to let EFT work?
What happened while you were tapping?
And finally – are you using tapping with your writing?
Please share in a comment.

Image Source: F. Moebius

PS: My newsletter contains a full tapping round to go with my blog posts, so it’ll be easier for you to get results. Sign up through the form on the upper right hand corner, and receive an introduction to EFT as a gift, find that specific tapping round plus occasional special offers. If you’re on a mobile and can’t see the sidebar, you can sign up through this link: Newsletter Sign-up.

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How to Find your Focus Quickly

Can't find your focus?

Can’t Find your Focus?

Yesterday, when I had to set up my German blog post, I ran into a problem you might be familiar with:

I had been immersed in writing a story. I had also read a story which utterly captured my heart. And I was vibrating with those exciting emotions, editing, plotting and having fun wearing my writing hat.

And suddenly, I had to switch over and wear my coaching hat. I needed to come up with a topic to write about, with a looming deadline. (Yes, I could be more organized…)

So I turned to EFT. It is my default help system, after all.

And I did what I will teach you in the video below, using the EFT points for a very quick intervention that did the trick. In fact, I wrote that blog post in record time.

Here it is:


Now, you need to adapt the words to your situation and needs, obviously. But it is a nifty little trick to know.

If you want to use a more conventional tapping round, here you go:

Tapping phrases

Even though I just can’t focus on this new task, I’m still stuck in something else, I am okay the way I am, and I now choose to make the switch easy.

Even though I hate being emotionally stuck in an old task when I need to focus on something new, I’m totally okay the way I am, and I now give myself permission to leave the old task behind and switch easily.

Even though it’s so hard to let go of the old task, it was so much fun to do, and now I have to do something much less fun, I’m still totally okay the way I am, and I now choose to make that switch and get that task done.

Asking you:
Do you still find it difficult to tap?
Can you imagine having fun with those tapping rounds?
What happened while you were tapping?
And finally – are you using tapping with your writing?
Please share in a comment.

Image Source: F. Moebius

PS: My newsletter contains a full tapping round to go with my blog posts, so it’ll be easier for you to get results. Sign up through the form on the upper right hand corner, and receive an introduction to EFT as a gift, find that specific tapping round plus occasional special offers. If you’re on a mobile and can’t see the sidebar, you can sign up through this link: Newsletter Sign-up.

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The Best Words for Tapping – The Tapping Round

Words for the tapping round

Words for the Tapping Round

Now you know how to create set-up phrases, and you know what points to tap on, which means it is time for the final bit of information you need to get result with EFT tapping:

What to say in the tapping round?

Now, you already have your set-up statement which gives you words about your issue, as well as the direction of the desired shift, so you’re ready to start.

I like to do three to four rounds right through the tapping points before checking in with myself and seeing what has shifted.

In the video, I explain how I use those different rounds and how I process through them.


So basically, you go through your rounds this way:

Round 1: Focus on your issue and the feelings this causes you.
Round 2: Lay the ground work for the intended and desired shift
Round 3: Consolidate the shift

Then you check in with yourself again, and start a complete new round with a fresh bunch of set-up statements.

EFT is awesome to create shifts, it’s wonderful to release old issues and negative emotions. I want to encourage you to tap and make your life easier. But please, also honor yourself and get help if you want to work through deeper issues. Sometimes, it’s easier and safer to have someone guide you through these rounds.

Now, if you are still worried about finding the right words, I have a few set-up phrases for you.

Tapping phrases

Even though I feel so insecure about what to say during the tapping round, I’m okay the way I am, and I now give myself permission to experiment and follow my inspiration.

Even though I worry about saying the right things during a tapping round, I’m totally okay the way I am, and I now choose to follow those steps and keep experimenting.

Even though I’m afraid of saying the wrong things during a tapping round, I’m totally okay the way I am, and I now choose to release that fear and practice tapping.

Asking you:
Do you still find it difficult to tap?
Can you imagine having fun with those tapping rounds?
What happened while you were tapping?
And finally – are you using tapping with your writing?
Please share in a comment.

Image Source: F. Moebius

PS: My newsletter contains a full tapping round to go with my blog posts, so it’ll be easier for you to get results. Sign up through the form on the upper right hand corner, and receive an introduction to EFT as a gift, find that specific tapping round plus occasional special offers. If you’re on a mobile and can’t see the sidebar, you can sign up through this link: Newsletter Sign-up.

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The Best Words for Tapping – The Tapping Points

Which Points

Which Points?

Now that you know all about creating a set-up phrase, it’s time to teach you the tapping points. Those are acupuncture points you’ll tap while working through a tapping round.

You have probably seen pictures of them, or maybe you even read my tapping guide that comes with signing up for my newsletter. Even so, I want to show them to you in video, because it’s always easier to mimic someone than imagining what you see on paper.

In addition, I’ll show you a nifty way to tap without calling attention to yourself, as well as a nice, meditating way to release stress.


I hope this video will also help you go through the tapping rounds I send out with my newsletter. And if you have any questions, feel free to post them in a comment below or drop me an email.

If there’s still fear around getting this tapping wrong, here are some set-up phrases that might help you get around that. Because learning how to tap and doing it for the low-level issues yourself can be a huge help.

Tapping phrases

Even though I still worry about doing that EFT tapping right and hitting the right points in the right way, I’m totally okay the way I am, and I now choose to let go of that fear and simply tap.

Even though I still worry about making mistakes with that tapping stuff and getting it wrong, I’m totally okay the way I am, and I now choose to play with it and let go of that worry.

Even though it seems so difficult to get those points and all those words right, I’m totally okay the way I am, and I now give myself permission to learn this tapping stuff and use it for myself.

Asking you:
Do you find it difficult to tap?
Can you imagine choosing that phrase with joy?
What happened while you were tapping?
And finally – are you using tapping with your writing?
Please share in a comment.

Image Source: F. Moebius

PS: My newsletter contains a full tapping round to go with my blog posts, so it’ll be easier for you to get results. Sign up through the form on the upper right hand corner, and receive an introduction to EFT as a gift, find that specific tapping round plus occasional special offers. If you’re on a mobile and can’t see the sidebar, you can sign up through this link: Newsletter Sign-up.

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The Best Words for Tapping – Set-up Phrase Part 3



Depending on where you learned EFT-tapping, you may or may not have seen this part I’m going to talk about today.

It’s the final part of the set-up that I like to use, and I borrowed this from other practitioners. It goes a bit like this:

… and I’m open to the possibility that things can get better.

So what does it do for you?

Well, so far, we have described our problem in the set-up, we have added a feel-good statement for our subconscious – and now we’re adding a bit of hope. A  happy ending, if you wish.

And I personally believe that opening the door to hope, and allowing happiness is a huge boost for facilitating shifts.

In my experience, it makes EFT work even faster. But you need to find something that works for you – and allow yourself to be flexible with it.

I’ll talk about my favorites in the video.


When you choose your happy ending for the set-up, make sure it gives you a good feeling and that there is some resonance – a sense that it is true. This will definitely help to facilitate the shift in emotions or beliefs that you are looking for.

Now, the next time you want to tap, just practice this part along with the rest. You can play with the words, experiment and have fun, even if it’s a difficult topic you want to work on.

(And do get help if it feels overwhelming.)

To help you release any remaining fears and doubts, here are some tapping suggestions.

Tapping phrases

Even though it still is so hard to find the right words for tapping, I’m totally okay the way I am, and I’m now open to the possibility that it could be fun and feel good to play with them.

Even though it’s still do hard to find the right “happy ending” for my tapping, I’m okay the way I am, and I give myself permission to have fun with those words now.

Even though it still feels difficult to find the right words for that EFT stuff, I’m okay the way I am, and I now choose to play with those words and easily find those that fit me and my issues.

Asking you:
Do you find it difficult to tap?
Can you imagine choosing that phrase with joy?
What happened while you were tapping?
And finally – are you using tapping with your writing?
Please share in a comment.

Image Source: F. Moebius

PS: My newsletter contains a full tapping round to go with my blog posts, so it’ll be easier for you to get results. Sign up through the form on the upper right hand corner, and receive an introduction to EFT as a gift, find that specific tapping round plus occasional special offers. If you’re on a mobile and can’t see the sidebar, you can sign up through this link: Newsletter Sign-up.

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The Best Words for Tapping – Set-up Phrase Part 2

I love myself!

I love myself!

The second part of the set-up phrase is the one where we “love on ourselves”. The original phrase that Gary Craig chose when creating EFT is…

… I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Unfortunately, this is a phrase not everyone is comfortable saying. For many, it doesn’t even feel true.

Which is a problem if you consider the function of this part. It is supposed to bring the subconscious into the game, and to eliminate any resistance to the shift we want to achieve.

Now, if that part of the set-up phrase feels wrong, we actually create resistance, rather than eliminate it.

That’s why I keep using a softer variant in the tapping suggestions I put at the bottom of each of my articles. And that’s why I discuss this part with every client I work with. It’s that important.

In this video, I explain how you can find a phrase that fits you and that will make your tapping more efficient.


The topic of loving and accepting yourself is quite often a deep one. We’re skirting around it for now by creating a part for the set-up that feels good for you, and that allows EFT to work smoothly.

However, if you find that deeper emotions and issues are coming up around this topic, please get help. It’s much easier to work through these things with some guidance from an experienced practitioner. (I’ll gladly do that for you.)

And here are some set-up phrases that you can use to tap on your resistance to changing this particular part of the EFT set-up.

Tapping phrases

Even though I hate this phrase “love and accept myself”, and it keeps me from tapping, I’m still okay the way I am, and I now choose to find something that truly works for me at this time.

Even though I find it really hard to talk about loving myself and there is resistance coming up when I have to, I’m still okay the way I am, and I now choose to play around with this phrase until I find something that feels good and that I can agree with.

Even though I never liked EFT because that phrase felt so wrong, I’m still okay the way I am, and I now give myself permission to find a good replacement and try that tapping again.

Asking you:
Do you find it difficult to tap?
Do you struggle with the phrase “I love and accept myself”?
What happened while you were tapping?
And finally – are you using tapping with your writing?
Please share in a comment.

Image Source: F. Moebius

PS: My newsletter contains a full tapping round to go with my blog posts, so it’ll be easier for you to get results. Sign up through the form on the upper right hand corner, and receive an introduction to EFT as a gift, find that specific tapping round plus occasional special offers. If you’re on a mobile and can’t see the sidebar, you can sign up through this link: Newsletter Sign-up.

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The Best Words for Tapping – Set-up Phrase Part 1

Which Words

Which Words?

One of the most frequent questions I’m asked when teaching EFT-tapping is this one:

How do I get the words right?

First of all, don’t worry about the words that much. They are meant to focus the mind on the issue at hand, but they aren’t totally crucial. It’s much more important to tune in to the issue than to find the perfect words.

Second, I don’t find it that hard to come up with words, but then, I’m also an author and I just love language and paying with words… so I’ll do my best to encourage you to approach this in a fun and playful way.

And I’m creating a miniseries to help you find a set-up phrase that actually works for you and let’s EFT work through you.

Today, I’ll start with the first part of the set-up, which goes like this:

Even though I have this problem…

And there it is, right away. This set-up is way, way too general. Of course, it’s just an example.

There are two main guidelines for creating a good, functional, efficient set-up phrase:

1) Be as precise as possible.
2) Bring in your emotion.

I’m tell you how to do that in the video.


I hope you’re feeling more confident about building your set-up phrase now, and that you may tap more often. Because it really helps, and because it is an awesome tool for authors.

Tapping phrases:

Even though I struggle with finding the right words for the tapping, and I don’t tap because of this, I’m totally okay the way I am, and I now choose to be more precise and include my feelings.

Even though I’ve worried about finding the right words, and that has kept me from tapping more often, I’m totally okay the way I am, and I now give myself permission to experiment with those words.

Even though I find it hard to come up with the right words for the tapping, and I’ve let that keep me from tapping, I’m totally okay the way I am, and I now choose to use my creative skills to make tapping fun and effective.

Asking you:
Are you tapping often?
Do you struggle with the words?
What happened while you were tapping?
And finally – are you using tapping with your writing?
Please share in a comment.

Image Source: F. Moebius

PS: My newsletter contains a full tapping round to go with my blog posts, so it’ll be easier for you to get results. Sign up through the form on the upper right hand corner, and receive an introduction to EFT as a gift, find that specific tapping round plus occasional special offers. If you’re on a mobile and can’t see the sidebar, you can sign up through this link: Newsletter Sign-up.

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