As you probably noticed, I took time out in the last two weeks. I visited family and friends, went on hikes, enjoyed nature, new views, interesting food and lots of conversations.
And I renewed my mind, body and soul.
Truth is, I needed that after several very stressful weeks.
Now, of course we indie authors, freelancers and entrepreneurs worry about not earning money during those time-outs. We worry about productivity going down. And it is true that we cannot keep up a tight production schedule if we go away for ten days or more.
Here’s the thing.
We live in a time of self-optimization. There are lots of books out there teaching us to be even more productive, to use our time to the fullest. I remember reading the tip of one mother to hit the 1 on the microwave three times because it was faster than entering 100 for one minute of zapping.
I also remember feeling utterly shocked at reading that.
If it is necessary to optimize our time use to a fraction of a second when we reasonably have 16 hours in a day, what are we doing to ourselves?
In the video, I talk about why everyone, but especially we creative types need time-outs. Little ones every day, and even big ones, to travel and to renew ourselves and our minds.
Yes, I know. You’re probably still feeling resistance to “doing less”. You don’t want to “waste” 20 minutes on mediation, or a walk. You don’t want to lose any of your productive time.
But honestly? Are you typing during all of your “productive time”? If you’re not, you might profit from stepping away from your desk or laptop and move around. Give yourself space to “not think” and instead to create.
Here’s some tapping to help you shift out of that pressure to be productive.
Tapping Phrases
Even though I can’t imagine taking a vacation or just a regular time-out every day, I’m way too busy, I’m still totally okay the way I am, and I choose to get creative about this idea.
Even though it feels impossible to set aside time to daydream and do nothing, I’m totally okay the way I am, and I’m open to the idea of experimenting with it.
Even though it feels so counter-intuitive to do nothing when I am in such a rush to produce stuff, I’m totally okay the way I am, and I now choose to play with new ways of being creative.
What do you do for a time-out?
Please share in a comment. Thank you.
PS: My newsletter contains a full tapping round to go with my blog posts, so it’ll be easier for you to get results. Sign up through the form on the upper right hand corner, and receive my Introduction to EFT as a gift. If you’re on a mobile and can’t see the sidebar, you can sign up through this link: Newsletter Sign-up.
And no. I will never use that email to send you anything other than my newsletter.
PPS: There is a roundabout way to my newsletter that’ll give you something really neat: an email series called “30 Days Daily Writing Habit” which is free. If you sign up for that, you’re automatically added to my newsletter, as well. (And you can always unsubscribe.)
PPPS: For those of you who are curious, you can find my books here: Hannah Steenbock
Image Source: F. Moebius