I’m starting a new blog series on all the blocks and pitfalls of mindset during the process of publishing your book – because it is a central topic destined to create such blocks, fears and nightmares for any author.
In the next three months, I’m going to work through the individual steps of getting published and the specific mindset problems that could come up with those. Of course, there will be tapping suggestions, as usual, and a tapping round in my newsletter to help you release those mindset problems.
Now, let’s get started on the MINDSET OF GETTING PUBLISHED.
It seems as if this should be the number one goal of all writers. And maybe it is. But it’s also the number one horror for most writers.
Because it means one thing: Your book will get visible.
People will be able to read it. And they will develop an opinion about it. Not all of them will keep it to themselves, either. They’ll write reviews. They’ll tell their friends.
And people will definitely judge your book. They will judge the cover, the blurb, the title, the beginning, the characters, the setting, the plot, and yes, the ending.
They might even judge you as a person.
They might become fans. But they might also spew hate.
Which means that getting your book out there, no matter how, is a risk.
And those subconscious safety programs that only want to protect us are very much aware of that risk. If it feels like a risk to you, they will do their best to stop you from taking it.
This is not your fault.
It’s just how the mind works.
And fortunately, there is EFT to shift the mind, and create a mindset that looks forward to getting your book out there. That shifts the emotions about it from scary to exciting. That can make you look forward to getting your story into the hands of your readers.
Are you ready for this shift?
Then follow the blog series and do the tapping work. (And get the newsletter with more tapping help.)
Here are EFT tapping phrases for the start:
Even though getting published feels scary and risky, because I will be judged by my book, I’m totally okay the way I am, and I now choose to know that this is simply part of being an author.
Even though I’m scared of being judged and hated because of my book when it gets published, I’m okay the way I am, and I give myself permission now to release that fear and step into my power as a full author.
Even though becoming visible is very scary in this world, I’m totally okay the way I am, and I choose to know that I can influence how visible I as person will become, even if my book is out there for everyone to see.
Your Turn:
How do you feel about getting published?
Does it feel very scary and risky?
Has it held you back from starting the process of getting published?
What happened while you were tapping?
And finally – what are you creating right now?
Please share in a comment!
Image Source: F. Moebius
PS: My newsletter contains a full tapping round to go with my blog posts, so it’ll be easier for you to get results. Sign up through the form on the upper right hand corner, and receive an introduction to EFT as a gift, find that specific tapping round plus occasional special offers. If you’re on a mobile and can’t see the sidebar, you can sign up through this link: Newsletter Sign-up.